Monday 21 October 2013

Holy Takeover.

I have never in my whole life seen a group of people more in their element than our Y.M.A.D. (youth making a difference) boys on a basketball court. It was such a blessing to sit and watch them play at the Christian Centre Church this past Friday, and it's stuck on my mind ever since.

Usually, I will drop in on their Friday night basketball games, but not stay long because I'm tired and want to go home and crash, and/or because sweaty pre-teen boys don't typically smell like roses and happiness. But on Friday I got nice and comfy on the sidelines for whatever reason. Amidst the smells and my tired mind urging me to go home, my heart and I plopped down to watch and keep score.

Now, on a regular day of after-school program, the boys are good. They really are. They sometimes don't listen, and I sometimes have to discipline them, and they sometimes get really angry at me for this fact. But I've realized that they are virtually exactly like me at the age of 11 or 12 (my mother and my teachers can surely testify to this). And even like me today when it comes to my relationship with Christ. Beyond all this, in spite of it all, and what the world decides about them because of where they live, I've decided that they are so sweet and good, and I love each and every one of them so much my heart could burst. I feel a bit like the Grinch; I didn't know my heart was that big.

What I saw at basketball that night was incredible. The smiles on these boys' faces were so innocently pure. And in that moment, the hardness of the streets was nowhere to be found in them. The hardness that I'm learning to detect in conversation, and in behaviour. The pride, and some days, the unwillingness to emote beyond a snicker or an annoyed rolling of the eyes. Tonight they were overtly ecstatic! It suddenly dawned on me, "they live for this!" Their passion was contagious, and so a wide smile crept across my face as I began hooting and hollering for each boy.

Then came the Holy takeover. As I observed, overflowing with joy, my spirit began to stir and pray emotionally and intensely before I even had any say in the matter. I could not help it, and I could not stop it, nor did I want to. I prayed:

Father God, win these boys over for Your Kingdom! Keep their hearts close to you, keep them soft and malleable for Your purposes! Jesus, raise them up to become young men on fire for You, and keep them safe and sound from the hardness of the streets. In the name of Jesus, may they become living proof that You are the God of ultimate, intimate redemption, alive even in the dark places! Father, may they know their worth in Your eyes. Would you use me, Lord, as an instrument to show it to them? Let them know through me that they are INFINITELY loved and valued by You. I'm lifting them up to you, Holy God, leaving them in your capable and willing hands. Would you work a miracle in these boys, in their families, in their community, that the City of Toronto, and even the world might know that You are here, hard at work in the hearts of the broken. I praise you they they are here, that we have the opportunity to show them to You. They need you, Jesus, and they are Yours, so I claim victory over their souls in the name of Jesus and give them back to you. And the same goes for me. So be glorified, Lord Jesus. Let Your Glory shine through me, and in your time, through each of these boys as well. Every amen I pray in your tender and tenacious name.

I would ask each of you to pray the same over not just our boys, but all the kids God has brought to UrbanPromise Toronto. I know our God is faithful, and mighty, and has infinitely more in store for our kids than I could ever imagine; Pray earnestly that it would come to pass, and He would claim Jane & Finch for the Kingdom as an example for the world. 

I would also ask you to prayerfully consider supporting me financially during my time here with UrbanPromise. Presently, I'm looking for sponsors to commit to donating $21 a month, and for one-time donations of any size. Truly, every penny helps. So if you feel lead and able to help out, please follow this link to donate.

Thank you kindly for reading my life and upholding me in prayer on this journey. It makes all the difference and means more to me than you know! Stay tuned for my next adventure. :) 


1 comment:

  1. Awesome post Jade!! So happy for are truly blessed. I miss you bunches.....and love you more.
